You don’t have to be perfect to be a Big. You just have to be you. We work hard to pair Littles with Bigs who will make a great Match so right from the start you have common ground. All you have to do is explore and learn together a couple hours a month for a year. Play sports together. Go on a hike. Read books. Eat pizza with pineapple. Or just give some advice and inspiration. Whatever you enjoy, odds are you’ll enjoy it even more with your Little – and you’ll be making a life-changing impact.

You won’t have all the answers – but you don’t need to. We will support you the entire time. Your Match Support Team will guide you through any rough patches and offer ideas for building the relationship with your Little. Plus, we offer frequent Match Activities and tickets so you’ll always have something to do with your Little, even on a budget.
- Spend 4-6 hours a month with a child
- Make a 12-month commitment
- Meet any program-specific requirements
- 18 years old or older*
Introducing our new program, S.O.A.R!
Big Brothers Big Sisters and Plainfield School District 202 are creating an afterschool Site-Based Plus mentoring program. S.O.A.R. (Skills, Opportunities, Academics, Relationships) matches volunteer mentors to children in need of a positive role model. Matches build relationships on-site in a supervised setting and beyond. Mentors will provide positive influence to help youth stay engaged with school while strengthening friendships with peers and mentors. Each match is professionally supported by a program team member throughout the duration of the match and is no cost to the child and their family. Matches meet twice a month at the child’s campus, as well as meeting off-site on their own time.
Mission Statement: Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships within a trusting, supportive environment that ignites lifelong learning and the promise of the youth.
Requirements to be a mentor:
Big Doug said ” Jaiden was very shy when we were first matched in September of 2017. Now that he is more comfortable around me, we can talk about a wide range of topics. He has a curious mind, and I don’t always have the answers for him, but I try! He is shaping up to be a fine young man.”
Mentor2.0 is a great program to make a difference and to see them grow up and thrive. Make sure as a mentor you can commit the time required.