Studies show that when children get positive mentoring, they have
- Increased confidence and self-esteem
- Improved school-performance
- Higher avoidance of drugs and alcohol
- Better interaction with friends and family

Your child’s safety is our first priority. We take extensive care to screen every volunteer with background checks, in-person interviews, and personal training. Once Matched, our professionally trained Match Specialists stay in contact with you as they continue to closely monitor every Match.
You know what’s best for your kid. You’re not just part of the process – you’re part of the success. From the start, we need you to inform us about your child’s interests, strengths, and needs – and to approve the mentor Match. Once the Match begins, you remain closely involved approving activities and talking to BBBS staff about your child’s progress.
It took me a long time to warm up to my mentor Melissa, but now she is like my sister. I would encourage kids to join because it is beneficial in the long run!
Ashton(9) from Plano said that Danny his Big is SUPER because “he finds time to spend time with me even though he works, goes to school and has a new baby. No matter how busy he gets, he always makes time for me and he even took me to see the new Star Wars movie even though he doesnt like it. He is the best“
Jarvis, who is now 21 years old, is currently attending Kishwaukee College where he is majoring in sports training and works as a manager at Little Caesars in Dekalb. He plans to transfer to Northern Illinois University in the near future. Jarvis was a Little in our program from 2009-2017. He was matched with his Big, Lenard Denham, for 8 years. They are still in contact to this day and talk about once every two weeks. Jarvis said that what he enjoyed most was going out to breakfast with each other and just talking. He said that being a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters and having Lenard in his life has definitely helped him get to where he is today. He said that if he could tell Lenard one thing it would be “I appreciate you a lot and thanks for being the best big brother”
Josh (12) from Bolingbrook said his Big Geno “is SUPER because he is a caring person and makes everything fun. He is the reason why I play basketball. He gives me advice and always listens. I wish he could be around everyday“